Daniel D. Hutto (Hertfordshire, UK)Narrative Journalism
Rick Busselle (Pullman, USA)
Raymond A. Mar (York, Canada)
Margreth Lünenborg (Berlin): Journalism as Storytelling – Blurring boundaries between fact and fiction.Television news as narrative
Vinzenz Wyss (Winterthur): No narrative – no journalism. The key factor of narrative by chaining discursive knowledge in journalism.
Ioanna Vovou (Athens/Paris): The ‘transparency’ of media discourse or the narration of the real world: about “Athens ‘on fire’” on December 2008.Fact to Fiction, Fiction to Fact
Viktorija Car (Zagreb): Narratives in Croatian prime-time TV news.
Amir Hetsroni (Jerusalem): News from here and far: The impact of media narratives location on the cultivation effect.
Jürgen Grimm / Bernadette Kneidinger / Manuela Brandstätter (Vienna): Factual-Fictional-Transfers in the Integration Discourse. A comparison between an episode of the fictional crime series 'Tatort' and a documentary on migration conflicts in the Austrian village Telfs.Narrative elaboration of events and social order
Manuela Glaser (Tübingen): Re-enactments in archaeological television documentaries and their influence on the reception process.
Lothar Mikos (Potsdam-Babelsberg): The Baader-Meinhof-Komplex between fact and fiction – narrative patterns and transmedia storytellingAdvances in Narrative Persuasion
Irena Reifová (Prague): Romance, ideology, seriality: on transfer of socialist television serial narratives into post-socialist Czech television culture
Anneke de Graaf (Nijmegen): The importance of identification in narrative persuasionIntuitive and rational thinking in narrative experience
Hans Hoeken (Nijmegen): Scrutinizing fictional characters’ arguments: Do stories prohibit central processing?
Matthias R. Hastall (Erfurt): Narrative Media Use as Interplay of Unconscious and Conscious Needs: A Psychodynamic View on Narrative ExperiencesAffective and rational processing of narratives
Kim Toft Hansen (Aalborg): “Great intellects guess well”. Crime Fiction and Knowledge Based Readings
Markus Appel (Linz) / Barbara Malečkar (Linz/ Ljubljana): Persuasive effects of non-fictional, fictional, and lie stories. A closer look at individual differences in the need for affect and the need for cognition.Closing statement
Rose Thompson / Geoffrey Haddock (Cardiff): Narrative style and narrating source have different impacts on cancer-related attitudes.
Peter Vorderer (Amsterdam)
This sounds great. It's out of my purview (and budget) right now, but perhaps next year!